GFWC-MFWC President's Special Project
Becky C. Wright, President
2018-2020 Administration
Our Theme
The President of the GFWC-MFWC has chosen the theme: "Empowering the Heart to Make a Difference: Detect. Correct. Protect." for the 2018-2020 Administration.President's Special Project
With heart disease being the number one killer of women, and the disease that ultimately took her mother’s life, GFWC-MFWC President Becky C. Wright has chosen the American Heart Association as her President’s Special Project. The “plan of care” for the 2018-2020 Administration will be Empowering the Heart to Make a Difference: Detect. Correct. Protect. Donations through the GFWC-MFWC will be made to the Mississippi Chapter of the American Heart Association to help fund innovative research, advocacy, and patient support until no more loved ones are lost to heart disease and stroke.
For more information, visit for information on Life is Why, Life’s Simple 7 and Go Red.
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