Guidelines for GFWC-MFWC Sarah Peugh
"Butterfly" Scholarship

The GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs Sarah Peugh Butterfly Scholarship will be awarded each spring to a GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs Juniorette club member who will be graduating from high school in the same year. Applications for this scholarship are to be made by email to the GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs State President before March 1 of each year.

The GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women's Club Sarah Peugh Butterfly Scholarship recipient will be selected by a committee of three appointed the the State President. The recipient will be notified at least one week prior to the State Convention.

The scholarship recipient will inform GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasurer of the college or university she will attend in the same year as her high school graduation. The GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs Treasurer will forward a check not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to the educational institution to be credited to the scholarship recipient’s account. The scholarship recipient will receive a framed certificate. 

The scholarship recipient will receive a specially designed butterfly trophy, appropriately engraved, if furnished by Sarah Peugh or other individuals interested in continuing this scholarship. Public announcement of the scholarship recipient will be made at the GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs Convention if the recipient is able to attend, with presentation of the framed certificate to be made at a time and location convenient to the recipient and the GFWC-MFWC President.

This scholarship shall remain available as long as funding is provided by interested individuals and clubs. The amount of the scholarship will increase in multiples of fifty dollars ($50.00) if interested individuals or clubs wish to donate funds.

Applications must include the following information:

    1. Name, address, age and photograph of applicant
    2. Name and address of applicant’s parents
    3. Name of GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs Juniorette club applicant holds membership in and number of year’s applicant has been an active member
    4. Name of high school from which applicant is graduating and grade average
    5. List of ACT Assessment scores
    6. Leadership activities:  appropriate high school/community and Juniorette club activities, including all awards and positions of leadership
    7. A letter of recommendation from the GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs sponsoring club advisor to the Juniorette Club in which the applicant holds membership.
    8. A letter of recommendation from the GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs sponsoring club president

To Apply:
Applications for this scholarship are to be made by letter to the GFWC-Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs, Inc. State President. 


Submission Deadline:
Application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on March 1st of each calendar year. 

Email To:
Email completed application and supporting materials to Dr. Carolyn S. Tedford, GFWC-MFWC President and Belinda Peacher, Chairman.